Interactive Product 360

Interact with products in real-time, seamlessly rotating images along all axes. Zoom in on product details with no loss of quality.

Experience products like never before with our Interactive Product 360.

Highlight Product Details

It supports high-resolution zooming, allowing users to examine product details without any loss of quality.

Maximize Engagement

The Interactive Product 360 feature empowers users to engage with products in real-time, enabling seamless rotation of images along all axes for a comprehensive view.

Instant Personalization

Users can create custom backgrounds and configure products in real-time, personalizing their experience and selecting the optimal product options to meet their specific preferences and needs.
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Increase Conversions and Sales
Enhanced details and realism allows emotional engagement with products, reduced hesitation, increased likelihood of purchase, and a higher AOV.
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Reduce Return Rates
Customers gain a better understanding of the product's look and size before buying, aligning expectations and reducing returns due to dissatisfaction.
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Reduce Inventory Requirements
Mirelz allows customers to experience products without having the inventory in-store.  Improve cash flow, reduce discounts and increase margin.